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CAF, from local to international 

By Lu Hongyan in Xi’an  


The 26th China Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair (CAF) which opened on Nov 22 attracted more and more foreigners to participate in, marking such agricultural high-tech gala has become international from local.   

SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) Agricultural Exhibition, one of the most important exhibitions of CAF, opened at the same time with CAF opened, and more than 60 foreign guests and representatives of more than 100 enterprises and institutions from 17 countries, including 7 SCO member states, 4 observer states and 6 dialogue partner countries participated in the event.  

Vladimir Norov (left), Secretary General of SCO, participated in the fair.

Russia’s honey, black tea and red sea cucumber, Tajikistan’s dried apricots and almonds, Kazakhstan’s flour, edible oil and nuts, and Uzbekistan's tomatoes, grapes, pomegranates and mung beans were displayed at the exhibition for business and cooperation.   

In June 14th this year, President Xi Jinping proposed the establishment of SCO agricultural technology exchange training demonstration base in Shaanxi province at the nineteenth meeting of the Governing Council of the SCO member states. This is the first time that China has established an important platform for exchanges with SCO countries in the field of agriculture and it is also a rare opportunity for Yangling to serve the national strategy and fulfill the national mission.  

As an important platform for international agricultural science and technology cooperation and exchange, CAF highlighted the elements of SCO.  

A wide range of agricultural products from SCO countries at the exhibition.

Pakistan International students (the second and third from the left) learned about the effect of microbial fertilizer at the exhibition.

Officials of the Ministry of Agriculture of Iran (the first, third and fourth from left) participated in the exhibition.

China Yangling Agricultural High-tech Fair is the highest level international agricultural high-tech fair in China, which is sponsored by 17 ministries and commissions including the Ministry of science and technology of the people's Republic of China, and co-sponsored by UNESCO and other international organizations, and hosted by the provincial people's government of Shaanxi in Northwest China.  

And the fair is permanently located in Yangling, a new agricultural city in Shaanxi province. 2019 event is the 26th session.  

According to Li Jiuhong, executive deputy director of the Management Committee of Yangling Agricultural High-Tech Demonstration Zone, CAF has witnessed the development process of China from a large agricultural country to an agricultural power since its establishment in 1994, made an important contribution to the development of China's agriculture and rural areas, created a new path for the demonstration and promotion of China's agricultural scientific and technological achievements, and contributed to the international cooperation of China's modern agriculture.  



